Dental sedation in Crawley

Nervous patients welcome

At Avalon Oral Care Centre, nervous patients are extremely welcome as we’ve put in place a range of methods to help with dental anxiety. We understand that some patients who’ve had a bad experience at the dentist in the past might avoid coming in for check-ups and treatments. However, thanks to advances in technology, dental treatments are less invasive, and pain relief more accurate and efficient, than ever.

anxious patient in dental chair
smiling patient

Conscious intravenous sedation

With conscious, or IV, sedation, an anti-anxiety drug such as Midazolam is administered into the bloodstream. Although it will make you drowsy, you’ll still be awake and able to understand and respond to requests from the clinical team. The drug used for conscious sedation acts quickly, can be tailored to each individual patient, and causes either full or partial memory loss until its effects wear off. Time feels as though it has passed very quickly and you likely won’t recall many details, if any, of your procedure.

*Please note that this treatment is currently referred to another dental practice in the vicinity. The above information should be used as guidance only. The type of sedation and the price may differ from above and should be confirmed with the centre directly during consultation and prior to treatment.




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